Your Network For Quality Printing Equipment
R.L. Martin Press Sales have been offering quality printing equipment for 30 years for both new and pre owned equipment throughout the Midwest region and nationally. Our valued customers have known of our commitment to both quality and service unsurpassed in today's graphic industry. R.L. Martin Press Sales is a well-established company in supplying pre-owned printing presses, bindery, folding carton and digital equipment.
Sell Your Equipment with R.L. Martin Press Sales
R.L. Martin Press Sales can help!
At R.L. Martin Press Sales we do more than just sell quality printing equipment. We offer our customers a wide range of creative options to help them move their under-utilized equipment. Whether you are selling a press which no longer is cost effective or trading in a machine for a more productive solution.
R.L. Martin Press Sales can assist you with creative ideas which are tailored to your unique needs.
Listing your equipment on our site is totally free of charge.

Availability of machinery is changing on a daily basis. If your precise requirement is not listed here, please send us the details of the machinery you're looking for and we'll keep you updated as to when it becomes available for sale.